Monday, December 12, 2005

Crisis Averted

Good news for anybody for anybody who takes reality TV too seriously: TARCon8 is offically on for tomorrow night at Planet Hollywood. So much for staying home and cussing out the Weavers at I get to do that with a few hundred other people.

I'll try to write my thoughts on the impending finale tomorrow before I head out. In case I don't make it, here are the basics:

Linzes: God if they win. Should be in the Pantheon of fun TAR teams at the very least (along with the Frats, Cha Cha Cha, Ken & Gerard, Clowns, Chip & Kim, Kris & Jon, and Brian & Greg)

Bransens: Would feel good if they's like Danni winning last night, in that I don't love them, but I wouldn't want them getting hit by a truck.

Weavers: No way they should win. They've had enough lucky breaks already, and karma has to slap them sometime.

Biggest Fear: It's a toss-up between the Weavers winning, or Lynn & Alex covering TARCon for Reality Remix, since they said they'd be coming to NYC for the hoopla. And since I might be the only one there who watches that show, I'm afraid nobody else would know what assholes they've turned into. I mean, they were jerks before, but they've really blossomed in that regard.

Gameplan: Take bookbag filled with books that have to go back to the library, since I need something to read on the ride over. Take digital camera and a pack of super-powered batteries, since I don't want a repeat of last TARCon (never did get my pick with Brian & Greg). Time my exit to make the ferry, getting home at an ungodly hour. Wake up really early, record stuff from The Early Show, hope that there's no ugly twists for next season. Go out for dim sum with fans, go back home, fall into a mild coma.

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